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Class Schedule

8:00-8:45       Arrival (8-8:20)Wash Hands/Name Sigh-In/Center Time 

8:45-9:15       Free-Choice Centers

9:15-9:30       Bathroom/Wash Hands/Breakfast

9:30-10:00     Group Time

10-11:00        Learning Centers/Theme Related Activities

11-12:00        Outdoor Playground Time/Gross Motor Movement

12-12:15        Regroup

12:15-12:45   Handwash/Lunch

12:45-2:00     Bathroom/Rest Time

2:00-2:45       Centers/Snack

2:45-3:00       Dismissal (far left of the school under overhang)

                      Please be on time to pick up your child before

                      buses arrive at 3:00.

Thank you,

Ms. Gagliano & Mrs. Kuba

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